Best Practice Studies: Studies of best practice in international career management, talent development and retention, expatriation and repatriation, promotion and development of female managers, and post-merger cultural integration.
Organisational Culture Assessments: Various studies to identify the core values and key practices of companies, with analysis made of differences and similarities between business units, functions and geographies.
Global Platform for Financial Control: Global study to assess work values, principles and processes in the Financial Control function, and how these can be harmonised in a global organisation.
American-European Teamworking Effectiveness: Research into the cultural and organisational issues that impact the effectiveness of multicultural teams in an American-European company.
European Female Managers: Research to identify cultural and organisational factors influencing the success of female managers in nine countries of the European Union.
Cultural Influences on Outsourcing Effectiveness: Longitudinal study identifying critical cultural factors that influence effectiveness of Indian Business Processes Outsourcing contracts.
Organisational Culture Assessment in Eastern Europe: Comparative study of organisational cultural values and practices of Eastern European subsidiaries of a global corporation.
Geographically-Dispersed Teams: Investigation of enablers and barriers to effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams of a global organisation.
European Diversity Issues: Identification of the key diversity issues in European and Middle Eastern operations of a global organisation, and the requirements for culturally differentiated approaches.
Attrition of High Potential Employees: Investigation of causes of attrition among high potential employees in Asia, and measures to remedy this.
Optimising Global Mobility: Study to determine if the right candidates are choosing the right international assignments at the optimal time for their careers and for the organisation, and how optimisation can be achieved in a global environment.